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      SS Peter Silvester

This Web Page is about the SS Peter Silvester, a Liberty Ship sunk February 6,1945 in the Indian Ocean 750 miles West of Perth Australia. It is maintained by Donald Domike 0f 932 E Main St Apt 16 Grass Valley, CA 95845 (539)272-7035). If you wish to e-mail me I'm at 

Photo taken 1943 before modification for carrying Mules.. 


The page includes a calendar of event for the Peter Silvester and a report of the search undertaken for the rescue of the crew and passengers. My thanks to Davis Stevens an Australian Naval Historian for the book U boat Far From Home. He furnishes facts and information about the U862  (the German U-boat) and the sinking from it's point of  view. My thanks to the National Archives of the USA and Australia, The help of Tom Bowerman of the Armed-Guard page, The contributions of other survivors, and the patience of my wife for the time it took for me to collect the information.

Calendar of Events                The Search      

                                U-boat 862